Financial Services

01 - The challenge


The challenge

The financial sector is one of the slowest-changing, most conservative industries with a century-old history. The need for high levels of security and to adapt to market processes is made more difficult by the significant investments required to digitally transform, modernize infrastructure, embrace agile methodologies and embed a culture of innovation. All these complicate and slow down the transformation and modernisation needs of the sector and can have a significant impact on operational efficiency, customer experience and overall competitiveness.

02 - The solution


The solution

For the financial services sector, the key drivers for moving to the public cloud are time to market, flexibility to adapt, and ensuring security and regulatory compliance. Financial institutions handle vast amounts of sensitive customer data, including personal information, financial transactions and proprietary business data.

  • For the financial services sector, the key drivers for moving to the public cloud are time to market, flexibility to adapt, and ensuring security and regulatory compliance. Financial institutions handle vast amounts of sensitive customer data, including personal information, financial transactions and proprietary business data.
  • Outdated IT systems: many financial institutions still rely on legacy systems based on outdated technologies that are inflexible, expensive to maintain and incompatible with modern platforms. These systems often hinder the integration of new technologies – such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence – that are critical for digital transformation and innovation.
  • Siloed processes: processes lead to inefficiencies, redundant tasks and lack of flexibility to respond to changing market dynamics.
  • Prudential regulation and compliance: the financial services industry operates within a strict regulatory framework designed to protect the interests of clients and maintain financial stability. However, outdated systems and processes challenge institutions to keep pace with changing compliance requirements, resulting in increased costs and potential compliance risks.
  • Cyber security, vulnerabilities: outdated systems may have outdated security measures and limited capabilities to deal with emerging cyber security threats. Financial institutions face a constant battle to protect sensitive customer data, defend against cyber-attacks and comply with data protection regulations.
  • Weakening customer focus: outdated back-office operations often prioritise internal processes and structures over customer needs and preferences. Financial institutions are struggling to deliver a personalised, seamless and digitally-enabled experience across channels. Legacy systems do not support the integration of customer data from different channels, limiting the ability to deliver targeted products and services.

From design to implementation, TC2 supports industry players to realize the following benefits:

  • Cost savings: this enables financial institutions to reduce capital costs by eliminating the need for significant upfront investments in hardware, software and infrastructure. Resources can be increased or decreased as required, thus optimizing costs and avoiding oversupply.
  • Scalability and flexibility: financial services often face changing workloads and peak demand periods. Public cloud platforms offer virtually unlimited scalability, allowing organisations to quickly and easily expand their computing resources during periods of high demand and scale them back when needed. This flexibility enables agile operations and better responsiveness to customer needs.
  • Enhanced security and compliance: AWS makes security a top priority and invests heavily in implementing robust security measures such as encryption, access control and threat detection systems. AWS has extensive experience and a wealth of certifications in industry compliance, making it easy for financial institutions to meet compliance requirements such as ISO, PCI-DSS, SOC, and GDPR.
  • Business continuity and disaster recovery: public cloud services offer built-in redundancy and geographically distributed data centres that improve business continuity and disaster recovery capabilities. Financial institutions can leverage cloud infrastructure to replicate and backup critical data, ensuring minimal downtime and faster recovery in the event of a disaster or system failure.
  • Collaboration and innovation: public cloud platforms provide a collaborative environment that fosters innovation and accelerates the time to market for financial services. Teams can collaborate on projects in real time, leverage cloud-native services and access a wide range of tools and technologies. This facilitates the development and deployment of new products, services and applications, while promoting experimentation and agility.
  • Data analytics and artificial intelligence capabilities: the financial services industry deals with large amounts of data, and the cloud's flexible infrastructure and analytics tools enable organisations to process and analyse this data more efficiently. Cloud platforms offer advanced data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) services, enabling financial institutions to gain valuable insights, improve risk management, detect fraud and make data-driven decisions.
  • Global reach and customer experience: AWS has a global presence, with data centres in different regions. This enables financial services organizations to more easily expand their operations into new markets and serve customers in multiple locations. The high availability and low latency of the cloud enables a seamless customer experience, ensuring that services are available from anywhere, at any time.
It should also be highlighted that financial institutions need to take into account the unique regulatory requirements and data security concerns specific to their industry. They should also carefully assess the compliance certifications of cloud providers and assess whether their services meet their specific needs. TC2 is committed to supporting the digital transformation of industry players while supporting the broadest regulatory compliance for the platform.