TC2 became AWS’ first Migration Competency Partner in Hungary


TC2 is once again the first company in Hungary to achieve one of the most important certifications of Amazon Web Services (AWS), the so-called Migration Competency Partner rank. With this rank, TC2 belongs to the league of preferred AWS partners in the CEE and EMEA regions that ensure the migration to cloud computing, the most important element of digitalization by a professional and commercial framework developed for its customers based on a high level of competence.

AWS provides cloud services to more than one million active customers. Cloud computing is now well accepted in the Central and Eastern European region, including Hungary, with more and more companies looking to cloud services as an essential base for benefiting from digitalization.

Cloud computing is also more cost-effective in terms of TCO (total cost of ownership) compared to traditional IT. However, its advantages go far beyond cost reduction. According to an IDC survey published in the summer of 2022, over a 5-year horizon, business leaders reported 50% lower operating costs, 78% shorter time of infrastructure deployment (servers, storage), 230% more software development “features” delivered, 43% faster time to market, and 69% less unplanned downtime. Overall, IDC’s research points out how productivity can be increased; how secure sensitive and critical applications and data will be in the cloud; and how moving to cloud computing will improve increasingly critical agility, with a focus on time to market.

We can’t turn our backs on environmental and sustainability issues either. AWS has committed to using 100% renewable energy for its services by 2025 and to achieve zero carbon emissions by 2040. Not only does all this affect our common future, but moving IT from the on-premise data center to AWS could be the right choice in the face of soaring energy prices.

There are several paths to successful migration to the cloud (AWS Migration 7R Strategy). We will always choose the most appropriate strategy based on the client’s business needs and technology skills.

aws 7R

The migration requires a thorough planning process, in which we migrate the IT platform, database(s) and application(s) in the most suitable AWS architecture. The Well Architected Framework of AWS supports the design, implementation and operation phases to ensure optimal operation and maintenance at all times. Optimization ranges from optimal cost to the right level of security and reliability to the expected performance.

Indeed, cloud computing offers the possibility for companies to track environmental and business changes in a flexible and fast way. The commercialization and delivery of AWS technologies is primarily provided by AWS partners (AWS also delivers directly but their business model is to rely primarily on their partners). AWS therefore has strict and transparent professional expectations of their partners to ensure the best adaptation of their technology capabilities and services. They rate and rank partners according to a set of different criteria.

Not only TC2, but also AWS expect their flagship partners to be able to deliver continuous improvement in capability and scale. Perhaps the most important professional success of 2022 is that the external auditor commissioned by AWS has acknowledged TC2’s compliance with migration expectations after months of preparation, audit interviews and data reporting. Serious projects (telco, banking sector, utility development), consistent methodological background, documentation regimes and last but not least a massive amount of formal AWS exams were the key to compliance.

In the audit process, TC2 had to demonstrate, with appropriate documentation, that the steps and tools of the migration were carried out in a templated process (taking into account the specificities of each client, of course!) and not in an ad-hoc manner. The official Migration Competency partner rank also entitles TC2 to use the trade support tools (Migration Acceleration Program) provided by AWS, so that it can reduce the cost of migration project on-boarding for its customers, as well as the ongoing cost of going live. This professional recognition can provide our customers with the assurance that any migration risks are reduced and properly managed.

Since its foundation, the owners of TC2 have placed a strong emphasis on continuous, high quality professional development. We are undergoing a conscious, organic development, meeting the market’s requirements, but also doing our best to transfer the knowledge we have acquired and educate our clients. In addition to our technology strategy and continuous learning, we build our organization and operations to grow in a transparent and scalable way.